Migration from 0.103 to 0.104

Minimal required version

OpenXML SDK dependency has been upgraded to 3.0.

Minimal required version for .NET Framework has been increased from net461 to net462. The net461 didn’t support netstandard 2.0 properly and OpenXML SDK 3.0 requires net462.

Throw on not found

Several API used to return null, when the searched element wasn’t found. They now throw an ArgumentException instead.

If you need to avoid the exception, use methods these methods like IXLNamedRanges.TryGetValue(string rangeName, out IXLNamedRange range) or * IXLNamedRanges.Contains(string rangeName).


IXLWorksheet.Cell(string cellAddressInRange) used to return null when the cellAddressInRange wasn’t A1 address or workbook scoped named range.

It now throws ArgumentException instead.


IXLWorksheet.NamedRange(string rangeName) used to return null when the rangeName wasn’t found.

It now throws ArgumentException instead.


IXLWorksheet.Range(string rangeAddress) used to return null when the rangeAddress wasn’t A1 address or named range.

It now throws ArgumentException instead.


IXLNamedRanges.NamedRange(string rangeName) used to return null when the nameRange wasn’t found.

It now throws ArgumentException instead.


IXLPivotTables.Add method always first looks for a table with same area as passed range and if one is found, the table itself is used as a source for the pivot cache.

// The workbook already contains a table A1:B3
var range = ws.Range("A1:A3");
// Although we passed a range and there isn't any pivot cache, the added
// pivot cache uses the table as source, not the range.
var pivot = ws.PivotTables.Add("pivot table", ws.Cell("A1"), range);

Generally, this change doesn’t matter, unless the table changes sizes.

Pivot table subtotals

XLSubtotalFunction.None has been removed and XLSubtotalFunction.Maximum and XLSubtotalFunction.Minimum have changed order in the enum declaration.

IXLPivotField.Subtotals is no longer modifiable list, but only read only list. At this time, there is no function to remove subtotal function for a field.

Pivot table fileter styling

Ability to style filter area in pivot tables has been removed. The API is still there under `pivotTable.ReportFilters.Get("filter field).StyleFormats`, but it throws `NotImplementedException`.

It will get re-implemented in a later versions.


Sorting algorithm has been modified, so it matches Excel. It now sorts values first by type (number, text, logical, error, blank), then by value. Blanks are always last, regardless of sorting order (unless ignoreBlanks is set to false).

  • IXLSortElement properties no longer have setters.

  • An unused enum XLSortOrientation has been deleted.

Page setup

IXLPageSetup.FirstPageNumber and IXLPageSetup.SetFirstPageNumber(int) now use int type instead of uint. First page number can be negative and int is thus better (-3 instead of 4294967293).


IXLFilterColumn.AddFilter and IXLFilteredColumn.AddFilter method parameter type was changed from a generic T : IComparable<T> to XLCellValue. Semantic of method was also updated to reflect how Excel actually filter column values.

Removed setters for autofilter configuration, the setters were given access to internal state and the only acceptable way to set filters is through IXLFilterColumn methods.

Following methods were removed.

  • IXLAutoFilter.Range setter.

  • IXLAutoFilter.SortColumn setter.

  • IXLAutoFilter.Sorted setter.

  • IXLAutoFilter.SortOrder setter.

  • IXLFilterColumn.FilterType setter.

  • IXLFilterColumn.SetFilterType(XLFilterType value)

  • IXLFilterColumn.TopBottomValue setter.

  • IXLFilterColumn.SetTopBottomValue(Int32 value)

  • IXLFilterColumn.TopBottomType setter.

  • IXLFilterColumn.SetTopBottomType(XLTopBottomType value)

  • IXLFilterColumn.TopBottomPart setter.

  • IXLFilterColumn.SetTopBottomPart(XLTopBottomPart value)

  • IXLFilterColumn.DynamicType setter.

  • IXLFilterColumn.SetDynamicType(XLFilterDynamicType value)

  • IXLFilterColumn.DynamicValue setter.

  • IXLFilterColumn.SetDynamicValue(Double value)

Added a new type of filter (XLFilterType.None) that is used when autofilter doesn’t have any filter.

The filter type XLFilterType.DateTimeGrouping has been removed. It was an artifical type, the actual filter type is XLFilterType.Regular. The removal allows to use regular and date time grouping in one filter column at once.

The interface IXLDateTimeGroupFilteredColumn has been merged into IXLFilteredColumn. That allows to specify both date time group and values for regular filter in same fluent API.

Methods that add/set filters now have an bool parameter reapply. By default, it is set to true. The parameter determines if the method should immediately reapplied modified filters to the autofilter. This makes it possile to configure several filters and only then call IXLAutoFilter.Reapply().

Method IXLFilterColumn.Top and IXLFilterColumn.Bottom now throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when passed item count or percentage is not between 1 and 500.

Method IXLFilterColumn.Clear now has a new parameter reapply (set by default to true to match the rest of methods) that determines if filters should be reapplied after cleaing column filter. Originally, there wasn’t any parameter and clearing didn’t reapply filters.


IXLCell.GetFormattedString(CultureInfo) now has an optional argument for a culture. By default, it uses current culture in all cases (was inconsistent), but culture can be explicitely specified.


IXLStyle.Equals method (it’s implementor) now compares equality purely by style properties. Originally, it also checked the container equality and thus were rarely equal. Because styles are internally immutable, the IXLStyle object must hold a reference to object that contains the immutable style in a property (e.g. IXLCell or IXLRow) so it can change it and that reference is called container. The end result is that two IXLStyle objects should be equal when all their style properties are equal.

Defined names

IXLWorksheet.NamedRange(string) throws KeyNotFoundException instead of ArgumentOutOfRangeException when defined name is not found.

Names of interfaces has been changed to better reflect semantic meaning, i.e. defined name. Defined name can refer to a range, constant, cell, function, lambda and others. named range is very non-descript type name.

  • IXLNamedRange -> IXLDefinedName

  • IXLNamedRanges -> IXLDefinedNames

Various properties/names containing *NamedRange* have been renamed to *DefinedName* and marked with an [Obsolete] attribute pointing to a new name.

The source of truth in a defined name is IXLDefinedName.RefersTo, it used to be IXLNamedRange.Ranges. The formula in defined name is now parsed and validated when it is being set, so it might throw an exception. The redundant equal sign (=) is now also removed from formula in the setter.

IXLDefinedName.Clear() has been removed. It makes no sense to have an operation that turns defined range to a non-valid (=empty) formula.

Methods to modify the defined name by adding/removing ranges from a list of ranges in formula have been removed. Methods only makes sense when defined name represents a union of ranges, but that is not always the case. If you need to modify the name, create a new one formula of range unions and set through IXLDefinedName.SetRefersTo(string). List of removed methods:

  • IXLDefinedName.Add(IXLRange range)

  • IXLDefinedName.Add(IXLRanges ranges)

  • ``IXLDefinedName.Add(XLWorkbook workbook, String rangeAddress);

  • IXLDefinedName.Remove(String rangeAddress)

  • IXLDefinedName.Remove(IXLRange range)

  • IXLDefinedName.Remove(IXLRanges ranges)

IXLDefinedName.Copyto(IXLWorksheet targetSheet) now throws an exception when copied name is not sheet-scoped and it copies ranges and tables referencing the original sheet, if found in the new sheet.


Changing a worksheet name through IXLWorksheet.Name setter now also changes names in formulas and defined names that use the original sheet name.